Saturday, September 17, 2016

Angel Update - Where it All takes Place

This is a map for where the story of The Micturating Angel takes place. If a map exists - the place exists. Just ask any treasure hunter.

Buy this as a T-shirt and be cooler than all your friends!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

But in the meantime...

Still very little happening in Micturating Angel land, so please visit my other blog where I've been posting some new collages.



Monday, June 13, 2016

And some more "other comics"....

I've been experimenting with creating non-linear comics by using panels from old, pre-existing works. Check 'em out on my other blog [ HERE ], or on my tumblr [ HERE ].

Friday, June 3, 2016

In the meantime: some other comics

Hi chums!

The Angel cartoon is still under construction with Mr. Zac Von Bamberger creating some kick-arse electro-bizarness for a soundtrack in downtown Berlin - as we speak.
So as soon as that's done - the cartoon shall be musicified and unleashed!
But until then, those who crave silly comics from yours truly will have to put up with some hand-drawn stuff.
And it's not on this blog either. I'm gonna make you go to my other blog - teleport you as it were, care of the amazing Intertubes!
So prepare friends, for An Appalling Deconstruction Pts 1 & 2 - hand-drawn by yours truly. Without any words (except for some onomatopoeia).
Here be the covers:

Oh yeah - it's not 100% SFW - there's boobs. And violence and God gets drunk, and the Minotaur loses an eye, and there's robot-sex and Mexican wrestling too. Y'know - it's a comic!

Click [HERE] to get started...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Some behind-the-scenes shots... (and a quote by HST)

Here's a whole lot of photos I've been meaning to post about the making of the comic... They've been stuck on my phone all this time, sorry.
They're basically shots of collages-in-the-making - before they are glued down, cut out properly, etc. Gives you some idea of the creation process, eh wot?

"I don't know how it's going to end, but I like it that way.
If I knew how it ended, I'd lose interest in the story."
- Hunter S. Thompson
(talking about a novel he was working on)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

And yet another behind-the-scenes fillum...

Yes, the cartoon is still under construction, but until its done, here's a behind-the-scenes little doco (well, sorta...)

Music by The Museum of Love & Mystery 
- free download from here: