Monday, June 13, 2016

And some more "other comics"....

I've been experimenting with creating non-linear comics by using panels from old, pre-existing works. Check 'em out on my other blog [ HERE ], or on my tumblr [ HERE ].

Friday, June 3, 2016

In the meantime: some other comics

Hi chums!

The Angel cartoon is still under construction with Mr. Zac Von Bamberger creating some kick-arse electro-bizarness for a soundtrack in downtown Berlin - as we speak.
So as soon as that's done - the cartoon shall be musicified and unleashed!
But until then, those who crave silly comics from yours truly will have to put up with some hand-drawn stuff.
And it's not on this blog either. I'm gonna make you go to my other blog - teleport you as it were, care of the amazing Intertubes!
So prepare friends, for An Appalling Deconstruction Pts 1 & 2 - hand-drawn by yours truly. Without any words (except for some onomatopoeia).
Here be the covers:

Oh yeah - it's not 100% SFW - there's boobs. And violence and God gets drunk, and the Minotaur loses an eye, and there's robot-sex and Mexican wrestling too. Y'know - it's a comic!

Click [HERE] to get started...