Sunday, December 16, 2018


Please enjoy this latest installment of the Micturating Angel.
The Angel will be on holidays over Xmas, but will return Jan 7, 2019.
2019 will see the release of issues 14 - 20, which will later be released in book form as Volume 2. There will be 3 volumes in total by the end.
Volume 1 is out now for only $10 - HERE .
Or you can grab some T-shirts to show your love - HERE .

Monday, December 10, 2018

New Micturating Angel T-shirt

HEY! - is this guy fly or what?! (Nyuk-nyuk) Get your own bright yellow Micturating Angel T-shirt (the one that dares to ask the difficult questions, like “Is there a cure for art?”, or something like that…). Get it at - and by the way there’s a sale on, so you get 25% off if you use the code ROBOT25 at the checkout. Make that Fly suck it! 

Sunday, December 9, 2018


No, it doesn't make any sense - still!

to be continued... NEXT WEEK!

LIKE The Micturating Angel on facebook: HERE.

Follow it on tumblr: HERE.
See the Micturating Angel Cartoon: HERE.
Buy the book: HERE.

T-shirts!!! HERE

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Hello anyone and everyone!
If you're reading this - you're awesome.
You're awesome because you bother to read a ridiculously obscure piece of art flopping about in the great ocean that is the Interwebs.
Art, as in "nonsense".
I hope you enjoy it - and thanks for dropping by.

Some notes before you read the comic though.
This is issue #11 - if you are new to it all, issue #1 is HERE, or the previous issue, #10 is HERE.
In #11 we begin a brand new adventure for the Angel known as Molly (the maid), and we continue ShadowgirlCarol's incomprehensible journey through her blind world, as overseen by the Secret Chiefs. Her adventures began in issue #5 (HERE) in case you need a refresher.
(Oh and the Angel is also on tumblr - HERE.)

Okay, on with the show!

[Thanks for reading!]

to be continued... NEXT WEEK!

LIKE The Micturating Angel on facebook: HERE.
See the Micturating Angel Cartoon HERE.
Buy the book HERE.