Sunday, March 15, 2015

When's the next one out?

I'll be hitting the printing presses this week for Issue #4, so they'll be on the shelves later this week (@ Minotaur and @ Sticky).
Look for this:
Oh dude, you got zapped!

I'm going to Japan in April, so issue #5 will come out in May. After that, the Angel will come out bi-monthly, ie: every second month. This is due to work commitments unfortunately. Making the comic takes a very long time - time I don't have because I'm off toiling to pay the rentbillsfoodfuckngggrrbbllammmmaaahhh, etc. The more comix y'all buy - the less toil I have to do so I can work on this ALL THE TIME. You likey comix or not? Buy buy buy!!!

So our schedule for this year is:

May - issue #5 - I'm planning to do a collected 1-5 book as well.
July - issue #6
Sept - issue #7
Nov - issue #8

I will also be moving the issues to the start of each month (as of #5).
I'm planning to do some other Special Eds as well, and hopefully I'll be able to punch out a bunch of other comix I did earlier - we'll see.
Here's a sneak preview of some upcoming Angel stuff:

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