Monday, March 9, 2015

Stiff competition?

No, not really but I did almost jump out of my skin when I picked this up at a comic store the other day:

"Borement" is a great word, I will use it, Wise Lee!

That feeling of "You bastard!" at the same time as that feeling of "You marvelous bastard!" had me cursing and clutching this baby like you wouldn't believe.
Okay. so what is it?
It's a mainstream comic, it's called PUNKS, it's made of collages (very likely on a computer), which means they sorta beat me to superfame for collage-comic production. Yes the Angel is older, and truth be told, it's better too.
Here's some more images:
actually fuck it, no, you can google them yourself.

I'm shittyhellyeah balls out excited by the fact that a big publisher-backed mainstream collage comic is out there hopefully attracting a new audience to collage and détournement (as much as you could call this comic or mine détournement [huh? what? Know your destruction, click HERE.]).
Sadly(?) for us The Angel is waaaay weirder, so only the brave will find their way to it. But if this be the gateway drug that brings them here, then hooray for this, and I will be waiting with my seductive treasures my pretties...
Now all y'all go forth and tell everyone this is the year of the collage comic! That this is the Year of the Micturating Angel!

ps: some notes on future editions. Issue 4 will be out in about a week or so, issue 5 will be delayed by a month because I will be overseas.

[this post has been edited, big time a day later]

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